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Chronic Diseases

Homeopathy acts on Chronic patients very effectively and quickly than others.

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For every patient who is stepping inside our clinic will see a well maintained and hygenic Reception where they can ask for help or take appointments.

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Dr. Cabin

Homeopathy treatment is purely based on symptoms and its cure.

Doctor's cabin is the place where patient is properly & patiently listened, guided and consulted for their disease, re assures of his/her healing positively, where morals of the patient are brought up for his/her complete healing.

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Online diagnosis and treatment also available

This facility is available for the patients residing outside Punjab and outside India. Patient can fix the appointment on mail or phone for online consultation and case taking. After case taking, doctor's prescription of medicine is posted to patient's address.

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Well maintained hygenic Dispensary at same place.

Dispensing of medicines is done by well qualified and well trained staff. Patient is thoroughly guided by staff about how to take medicine and which precautions are to be taken.

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Case Taking

For chronic cases

On the other hand, other medical treatments emphasis to treat the disease. That is the reason, one disease suppresses and other comes. "There is no permanent treatment of any chronin disease" they said. The patient has to take medicine for whole life and patient can never be healthy, i.e. dieaseless again. Here comes Homeopathy: A HOPE FOR HOPELESS.

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Major Diseases

Chronic liver damage from a variety of causes leading to scarring and liver failure.

Initially patients may experience fatigue, weakness and weight loss. During later stages, patients may develop jaundice (yellowing of the skin), gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal swelling and confusion.

Gradual decrease in liver function occurs along fluid in abdomen, bleeding tendency in body and disorder of brain function.

about Cirrhosis

A condition in which skin cells build up and form scales and itchy, dry patches.

Psoriasis is thought to be an immune system problem. Triggers include infections, stress, and cold.

The most common symptom is a rash on the skin, but sometimes the rash involves the nails or joints.

about Prosiasis

A chronic inflammatory disorder affecting many joints, including those in the hands and feet.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the body's immune system attacks its own tissue, including joints. In severe cases, it attacks internal organs.

Rheumatoid arthritis affects joint linings, causing painful swelling. Over long periods of time, the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis can cause bone erosion and joint deformity.

about Arthritis

A condition in which the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high.

It is a disorder which is characterized by high blood pressure ;that includes systolic blood pressure (the "top" number, which represents the pressure generated when the heart beats) remaining higher than 140, or diastolic blood pressure (the "bottom" number, which represents the pressure in the vessels when the heart is at rest) remaining over 90 but these values may increases with increasing age because of increase requirement of blood by brain and other vital organs.

about Hypertension

Non-cancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during the child bearing years.

Uterus or womb is a major female hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ of human. One end, the cervix, opens into the vagina, while the other is connected to fallopian tubes.It is within the uterus that the fetus develops during pregnancy and gain nutrition from mother. Uterus is responsible for secretion of various hormones before, during and after pregnancy hence to keep mother and child both healthy.

about Fibroids

A headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.

Migraine headaches are sometimes preceded by warning symptoms. Triggers include hormonal changes, certain foods and drinks, stress, and exercise.

Migraine headaches can cause throbbing in one particular area that can vary in intensity.

about Migrane

Chronic liver damage from a variety of causes leading to scarring and liver failure.

Initially patients may experience fatigue, weakness and weight loss. During later stages, patients may develop jaundice (yellowing of the skin), gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal swelling and confusion.

Gradual decrease in liver function occurs along fluid in abdomen, bleeding tendency in body and disorder of brain function.

about Asthma

Any of a group of conditions in which the stomach lining is inflamed.

An inflammation (redness and swelling) of the lining of the stomach. Stomach has four layers namely mucosa, sub mucosa, muscularis and serosa; inflammation of mucosa layer is called gastritis. Lesion (erosion) in mucosa of stomach is known as peptic ulcer. Lesion in mucosa of duodenal is known as duodenal ulcer. Patient comes with mild fever, loss of appetite, pain in epigastric region, persistent nausea and vomiting etc.

about Gastritis

Lumbar spondylosis is a spine condition that describes the natural deterioration the lower spine due to compression.

It is a disorder that results from abnormal growth of the bones of the back (lumbar vertebrae) and degeneration and mineral deposits in the gap between the vertebrae (lumbar disks). This causes compression of nerves, giving rise to pain which increases on movement. The nerves which are coming out from or below the level of affected vertebrae where compression occur starts losing their function.

about lumbar spondylitis

A general term for wear and tear of the spinal disks.

It is a disorder that results from abnormal growth of the bones of Neck(Neck vertebrae) and degeneration and mineral deposits in the gap between the vertebrae. This causes compression of nerves, giving rise to pain which increases on movement. The nerves which are coming out from or below the level of affected vertebrae where compression occur starts losing their function.

About Cervical Spondylosis

An inflammation of the two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat.

Tonsils, most commonly, palantine tonsils is seen in the back of the human throat. The palatine tonsils are lymphoepithelial tissues located near the oropharynx and nasopharynx.These tissues are the immune system's first line of defence against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogen.

about Tonsilitis

Chronic liver damage from a variety of causes leading to scarring and liver failure.

Initially patients may experience fatigue, weakness and weight loss. During later stages, patients may develop jaundice (yellowing of the skin), gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal swelling and confusion.

Gradual decrease in liver function occurs along with fluid in abdomen, bleeding tendency in body and disorder of brain function.

about Hepatitis

A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood, or high blood glucose.

It is a disorder caused by decreased production of insulin , or by decreased ability to use insulin. Diabetes result when the pancreas produces insufficient amounts of insulin to meet the body's needs. It can also occur when the pancreas produces insulin, but the cells are unable to efficiently use it (insulin resistance). Insulin is necessary for blood sugar (glucose) to go from the blood to the inside of the cells, and unless the sugar gets into the cells, the body cannot use it. The excess sugar remains in the blood and is then removed by the kidneys.

about Diabetes Mellitus

A form of arthritis characterised by severe pain, redness and tenderness in joints.

Pain and inflammation occur when too much uric acid crystallises and deposits in the joints. Symptoms of gout include severe pain, redness and swelling in joints, often the big toe. Attacks can come suddenly, often at night.

about Gouty Arthritis

Any dysfunction of the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck (thyroid).

Thyroid gland is situated in throat having primary function to control the basic metabolism of body by secreting thyroxine hormone in blood which regulate the catabolism and anabolism hence maintain the energy requirement of body. Thyroid disease is classified as dysfunctioning of thyroid gland, due to which thyroid hormones T3, T4 and TSH become imbalance in our body which gives rise to Thyroid disease.

about Thyroid

A small, hard deposit that forms in the kidneys and is often painful when passed.

It is also known as kidney calculi; kidney stones. Kidney stone is the commonest disease among the Indian population.It is a condition in which one or more stones are present inside kidney( pelvis or calyces) or outside kidney( in the ureter). It is silent (no pain) but during descend of stone it causes severe pain.

about Kidney Stone

A brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally.

It is a group of mental disorders characterized by disturbances in thought process, perception to things, behavior and communication with society. Deterioration of mental function results in difficulty in self care, work and social relationships. Patient is unable to maintain pace with surroundings. He gradually becomes isolated from society.

about Schizophrenia

A disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, often including tremors.

A disorder of the brain characterized by shaking and difficulty with walking movement and coordination. The disease is associated with damage to a part of the brain that controls muscle movement. It is also known as shaking palsy which is shown by trembling of extremities where patient have difficulty in writing, gripping, walking etc.

about Parkinsson's

Homeopathic Treatment of Wheat Allergy Patient

Wheat allergy, gluten allergy and other allergies develop when the body’s immune system become sensitized and because of this hypersensitivity, overreacts to the intake of wheat and wheat products, that typically cause no problem in normal persons. This overreaction of person’s body to wheat and wheat products presents itself as symptoms like :-

about Wheat Allergy

A solid or fluid-filled sac or pocket (cyst) within or on the surface of an ovary.

Ovarian cysts usually disappear in a few months but can cause complications if they don't.

Most ovarian cysts don't cause symptoms. In some cases, menstrual irregularities, pain during intercourse. or irregular bowel movements can occur.

about Ovarian Cyst & PCOD
what Great People said

For Homeopathy

"I have been an ardent believer in Homeopathy and I felt happy that it has nor greater hold in India than ever in the land of its origin. It is not merely a collection of a few medicines but a real science with rational Philosophy as it's base."
Ravinder Nath Tagore
"The highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way."

Samuel Hahnemann
"an Allopath come an treat Cholera patient and give them his medicine.Homeopath comes and gives his medicine and cure perhaps more than the Allopath does not distrub the patient but allow the nature to deal with them."

Swami Vivekanand

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Ravinder Homeopathy Clinic

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